Chopta And Tungnath Will Shine With Electricity

The Energy Corporation has intensified the exercise to connect the 13 blocks of the surrounding areas, including the third main temple of Panch Kedar circuit “Tungnath Temple”, the tourist spot Chopta and Goundar.

After a joint inspection with the Forest Department, a map has been prepared and a file for transfer of forest land has been prepared. The work of laying power lines will start in all these places in about a year.

There has been a demand for the past two decades to connect the Tungnath temple with electricity. Now it will soon be illuminated by the Milky Power of the Energy Corporation. To provide electricity to Chopta and Tungnath, about 15 km long lines have to be laid from Mastura.

Tungnath And Chopta Will Shine With Electricity
Chopta and Tungnath will be connected by electricity
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