Chopta Village vs Chopta Hill Station

Chopta village and Chopta Hill station are two different places with the same name, so when people search on google about Chopta hill station from where the trek to Tungnath and Chandrashila trek starts, they get the result of Chopta village which is 77 kms from Chopta hill station.

Many people get confused because of this problem because when they get the location of Chopta village instead of Chopta hill station, they leave their home late as they think Chopta is only 404 kms from Delhi. That’s why some people had to reach Chopta hill station late at night and some are not able to reach Chopta hill station.

Delhi to Chopta

Chopta village

Chopta village is a small village situated in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand state. This beautiful village gives you attractive views. Chopta village has a small market where you can purchase the item according to your needs. You can easily reach Chopta village because it is well connected with the roads. You also can hire cabs to reach Chopta village.

Distance from Delhi:- 404 kms
Google Map Route Link:-

Chopta Hill Station

Chopta Hill Station is one of the most famous destinations in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand state. It is getting more and more popular every year because it gives you the best scenic views and also it is the base of the two most famous treks in Uttarakhand “Tungnath trek” and “Chandrashila trek”. Tungnath is the highest temple of Lord shiva and also it is one of the Panch Kedar temples.

Distance from Delhi:- 452 kms
Google Map Route Link:-

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Ajay Agrawal
2 years ago

Very informative

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